Three Steps to Shortcode Success
Shortcodes are a neat way of bringing extra functionality & information into your pages at the click of a button.
1. To add extra functionality onto your pages, just click above & choose one
2. See these shortcodes working. Click on above (next to the Edit button & permalink)
3. On the actual webpage, change the location at the top of the site and watch the magic happen.
[divider]Add a Divider
Dividers are brilliant to split up the different sections of your pages. this makes it much more readable and allows customers to get to the section that interests them. As you can see, this page has loads of dividers.
Add Your Site Name – [sitename]
This is useful if you have multiple sites and want to get the content right on one first, before copying the content over to other sites.
eg Welcome to our [sitename] website.
Add Phone Numbers – 0161 763 3133
Phone numbers are really clever. If you add the phone shortcode, it automatically updates when anybody changes the phone number at the top of the site.
eg Call us today on 0161 763 3133
Add Towns – [town]
Using the town shortcode works similar to the phone shortcode in that it brings in the selected town at the top of the site.
eg Call [town]’s Carpet Cleaning expert’s on 0161 763 3133 today
Add Emails & Addresses – [email] [address]
You should be getting the hang of this by now. The email and address shortcodes work well on legal pages if you’re again, copying a main site to other websites. They also save you writing the same thing out again and again.
eg If you would like a copy of our Terms & Conditions, please either call us on 0161 763 3133, email [email] or write to us at [address]
Add Buttons
The button shortcodes are our favourite as they look really cool and save you heaps of time. They are fantastic for bringing in contact details to any page.
List Sub Pages
The subpages shortcode is wicked. It allows you to display a list of the the ‘children’ of this page (with this page being the parent). This means that if you change the names of those child pages or add new ones, your list on this page will always be up-to-date. Massive timesaver!!!